How do I care for my jewelry?


Last Update 5 bulan yang lalu

To keep your Flamond jewelry shining and pretty as new, remember these important care tips:

  • Clean Hands:

Before putting on or taking off your jewelry, remember to wash your hands to prevent oils from your fingers tarnishing the delicate pieces.

  • Avoid Lotions and Perfumes:

Avoid applying lotions and perfumes directly to your jewelry.

  • Proper Storage:

Store your Flamond jewelry separately in small pouches to prevent scratches when not in use. 

  • Gentle Polishing:

To keep your jewelry sparkling, simply give it a gentle buff with a soft cloth whenever you notice it's lost a bit of its shine.

  • Remove During Activities:

To prevent damage from excessive water and wear, remember to take off your jewelry before swimming or exercising.

By following these simple yet effective steps, you'll ensure that your Flamond jewelry continues to shine brilliantly. If you need any additional assistance or have inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team.

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